Toddlers and Twos Daily Schedule

  1. Get dressed.
  2. Eat breakfast.
  3. Any other morning care routines.

Stretching can help a child focus and be ready for the day.

Yoga Poses

Exercises to Help Kids Wake Up

Songs and fingerplays help strengthen oral language and vocabulary. A strong oral language is connected to successfully learning to read.

Oral Language Through Songs

  1. Sharing quality children’s literature.
  2. Story Time at Home Activity exploring the concepts introduced in the book (Activity 1).

Story Time Videos and Activities

  1. Choose an activity to do each day from the suggested list. If your child enjoys an activity, feel free to extend the time. If they don’t like the activity, try another one.
  2. Create simple Learning Centers that allow children to engage in independent productive play. This play is critical for children’s development.

Weekly Activities

Creating Centers in Your Home

Children learn about their world by using their senses to investigate and express themselves. Art activities allow for creative expression.

Art Activities

An opportunity that allows for exercise and fresh air, which are both essential to overall development.

Benefits of Outdoor Play

Lunch can be a great time to demonstrate healthy eating habits. A healthy lunch gives children the mental and physical energy for optimal development.

Healthy Meal Recipes

A child does not have to nap in order rest. Rest is just as important as physical activity and healthy food in strengthening a child’s ability to focus.

Creating Restful Nap Times

  1. Sharing quality children’s literature.
  2. Story Time at Home Activity exploring the concepts introduced in the book (Activity 2).

Story Time Videos and Activities

Scavenger hunts, coloring, and other simple activities offer a wide range of development across the domains.


Brain connections are made by children moving their bodies. Fine and gross motor skills, balance, and coordination are all critical learning experiences.

Benefits of Outdoor Play

Cleaning up is a beginning step in the journey towards independence and responsibility. Plan to be heavily involved with the clean-up process. Young children will need help and a lot of encouragement!

Teaching Children to Clean Up
