b'Over 1 in 4 child-care providers nationwide still remain closed.Megan Leonhardt, The Covid Economy (blog), CNBC.com, December 30, 2020.Responding to the PandemicNo one was prepared for the pandemic.Not only that, our rigorous protocols have However, our navigation of these challengingbeen refined and enhanced since early 2020 times proved our value as a leader andand continue to evolve, as we follow state and dedicated partner to each of our clients. LCGlocal health authorities. We stayed openadaptedand thrivedwhen others didnt. It isand stayed safeto ensure child care was an estimated nearly 25% of all child care centersavailable resource. have closed and will not reopen.Our clients know they can rely on us in even With our sound financial model and stability asthe most uncertain times.a scaled provider, we were well-positioned to offer clients a sense of security, and to create specific solutions to meet their needs.In close consultation with each client, we made decisions about centers remaining open or closing temporarily. For centers that closedfor any reason, for any prolonged periodwe waived our fees and worked diligently to15K+ CHILDRENsupport reopening in a measured fashion. ARE SUPPORTED BY OUR CORPORATE BENEFIT SOLUTIONS'