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Frequently Asked QuestionsSchool Leadership


If you need help, you can contact SproutAbout Tech Support by calling (877) SPROUT2 (877-777-6882) or emailing support@sproutabout.com.

If families or teachers have questions or need support, redirect them to FAQs which house the Quick Reference Guides and are found in the app and on the Learning Care Group website.

Classroom Mode is used to log teachers into the iPad and to view activity and care updates posted by teachers. School Leadership Mode is used to access features needed for your daily tasks, such as viewing child and staff profiles, sending messages and bulletins, and adding leadership photos to your school’s profile. 

You can easily switch between modes by selecting the other mode from the hamburger menu in the top left corner of the screen. You'll need an access code in order to switch to School Leadership Mode, which is your birthdate in MMDDYY format.

Yes, click on the hamburger menu in the top left corner and select Switch Classrooms. Then select the classroom you would like to switch to from the drop down menu. 


You can edit the school leadership photos in the school’s profile from the app when in School Leadership Mode. The contact information and school information sections are not editable.

The fields that are locked can’t be edited from the app. If you want to edit these fields on a child or teacher record, use the Edit in LCW button to access the Learning Care Works (LCW) and edit any of the fields on the screen.

You can assign a child to up to three classrooms. You should use this feature to assign children to classrooms when they start at a school or plan to join a new classroom. This allows families and teachers to message and share updates on the child.​

Any updates to a record will reflect in SproutAbout the next day. However, if you need to refresh a record sooner than that, click the Refresh Record from LCW on the child's record within the SproutAbout web application.

Yes. If a child enrolls and starts on the same day, you can import them into SproutAbout so that teachers and families can immediately begin to use the app. From the web application, select Import New Record, enter the Family ID from LCW and click Search.  All children for the new family will be displayed on the screen. You can then select the child(ren) and click Import.  They should now be available in SproutAbout. Don't forget to assign each child to a classroom as well!

To deactivate a Legal Guardian, you will need to fill out a support ticket through the IT Service Desk: itservicedesk@learningcaregroup.com


You can attach up to three files to a message.

You can send messages to all Care Circles at your school. Messages between Care Circles and school leadership are private and not viewable by classroom staff.

You can send bulletins to an entire school, including all Care Circles and staff members. You can also create bulletins for one or more classrooms. 

The Mark as Alert box is used if you want to send a bulletin with high importance. Checking this box will also send a SMS text to families (if the families signed up for this) and will be visually distinguished with an alert icon in the app.​

Live Streaming

You can only assign cameras to classrooms from the web version of the app. They should not be assigned to common spaces like playgrounds.​

Families will be able to watch the Live Stream video of the classroom their child is checked into.

You can create a combined classroom so that you can map cameras appropriately and families can see livestreaming when their child is checked into any of the the classrooms in the combined space. See the Quick Reference Guide below for step-by-step instructions.

Quick Reference Guides

  • Profiles and AllergiesLearn how to maintain school level records, assign children to classrooms, and record severe allergies for a child.
  • Same Day Enrollments - Learn how to import a child to SproutAbout that enrolls and starts on the same day so they are immediately available in the app.
  • Refresh Record from LCW - Learn how to manually refresh a record from LCW to SproutAbout.
  • Switch Classrooms - Learn how to easily switch between classrooms on the iPad without having to sign out and back in.
  • Switch Modes - Learn how to switch between Classroom Mode and School Leadership Mode on the iPad.
  • Messaging -  Learn how to use SproutAbout to message Families and Teachers.
  • Calendars - Learn how to create and edit events in the school calendar for families & staff to be aware of the upcoming events such as class milestones. Understand the difference between what's available in the web vs. iPad version of the app.
  • Livestreaming - Learn how to map and assign cameras so families can access livestreaming in SproutAbout.
  • Livestreaming and Combined Classrooms - learn how to support livestreaming when more than once classroom shares the same physical space.